This website is maintained as an archive of work done for the boundary language project but it also serves as a hub for collaborative efforts, dedicated to the ideal of collaborative study. Some studies are intentionally decentered to favor “speculative un-realism,” a look at the impact of inserting an “ersatz” hypothesis into an assumed stable theoretical field. While the ersatz conjecture is not intentionally mistaken or irrational, the expectation of probability is suspended so that new connections can be seen, sometimes for the first time. Just as the idea of putting the Chrysler Building on the Analyst’s couch seems ridiculous, the question of buildings or other objects “having” an unconscious is provocative and likely to be productive, even if the main premise is a bit wacky. For information or collaboration, contact
items in the main menu, explained
• recent work
Ideas in the first stage, reconfigurations of previous work, collaborations and proposals. Published work is listed along with unpublished or web-published materials. For a summary, see PUBLICATIONS AND PROJECTS.
• current projects
Ongoing zoom sessions, publications, lectures, and workshops. This tab includes collaborative projects as well as the “zairja” idea that grounds the principle of ersatz conjecture. Scroll down to locate specific ongoing work.
• archive
Web documents and reprints of published works covering twenty-five+ years of teaching and research connecting architecture, landscape, film, philosophy, and psychoanalysis. Don’t overlook the work on the zairja, reputed to be the first computer. This tab includes the “Newslitters” circulated bi-weekly for PhD theory seminars at Virginia Tech’s Washington-Alexandria Architectural Center.
.• videos
YouTube offers a means of front-loading presentational content for review by classes, conferences, zooms, and seminar conversations. Many of these were prepared for specific events, some without audio-track narratives.
• links
Links with brief descriptions: iPSA (institute for Psychoanalytic Studies in Architecture), zoom event pages, seminars, affiliated organizations.