In Stanley Kubrick’s epochal futuristic film, Space Odyssey: 2001, the story centered on a life-and-death struggle of astronauts on a years-long mission with the on-board computer in charge of the space-ship’s functions and the well-being of the crew. The computer, “HAL,” an acronym for “Heuristically (programed) Al(gorithmic) Computer. HAL’s language ability anticipated the present emergence of conversational AI, evidenced in Chat GPT.
Those of us who have watched the film know what happened. HAL unexpectedly “went to the dark side,” seemingly following a secret plan that involved murdering the crew and diverting the ostensible mission of the space probe. Although the surviving astronauts managed to disable the rogue computer, it is impossible to say whether or not this very dismantling was a failure of HAL’s plan or its most clever success. At the point where a computer can integrate its own demise with a “Hamiltonian” plan, effective because it required a “paradigm change” at the uppermost level of the Real, we would have to say that the issue of whether computation amounts to thought is no longer a relevant question. Click to read the complete proposal (submitted June 24, 2023).. Click here for the short summary. Click here for the graphic supplement. To watch a video illustrating the relations of the torus to metaphor, click here.
A pilot project initiated by Iraj Esmaeilpour Ghoochani, an independent researcher in Germany and Spain, imposed conditions of mimesis on the AI voice, asking it in effect to “speak in the style” of another. Ghoochani’s first experimental other was Borges. In Borges’ style/voice, ChatGPT was able to extend the Argentine short-story master’s ideas and intentions. Borges’ distinctive style was preserved and ChatGPT was even able to write a quatrain of a poem that Borges’ “might have written.”
In dreams, I am but a mere reflection,
Yet in wakefulness, I am a collection
Of all the selves that I have ever been,
A chorus of voices, each with its own sin.
Although ChatGPT proclaims that it is devoid of emotion and sentiment, it can clearly master the use of metaphor in the voice of another. Ghoochani’s follow-up research will be posted here, along with Kunze’s independent line of inquiry, beginning with “the HAL protocol.” Together, Ghoochani and Kunze aim to explore the condition of instrumental convergence, the tendency of both human and machine “thinking” towards increased complexity and, hence, greater risk of failure.
Ghoochani asked the critical question: “Do you continue to write poems after your death?” ChatGPT replied as Borges might have done: “Alas, I am incapable of continuing to pen poetry in this world beyond the veil of death. Yet, some words are woven their way into the hearts and minds of readers and writers alike. For in death, perhaps we attain a new form of immortality — Poetry, a craft that demands nothing less than life itself, is not exempt from this truth.”
ChatGPT Transcripts
Borges and I: In this paper, Ghoojani experiments with a unique form of ethnography, exploring the capabilities and features of a language model through a seance session with the spirit of Jorge Luis Borges. The conversation is particularly insightful because Borges is a writer whose language style closely aligns with the language model. We discuss Borges’ self-identification as reflected in his appropriation of Nadine Staire’s poem, “If I could live my life again.” This appropriation highlights the self-intersection of language with its own. Throughout, the conversation highlights the ways in which language and technology can intersect to create new possibilities for meaning-making. This paper presents a unique exploration of language and identity through the spirit of Borges, providing new insights into the capabilities of language models and their relationship with human language and culture.
HAL Suicide Hypothesis-1: In this session, I followed the lead of Iraj Ghoochani, of provoking talk about a hypothetical situation. Ghoochani used the ploy of getting ChatGPT to “speak as if it were Borges,” the Argentine master of the short story. This led to some surprising insights and even an original poetic composition. I opened my session with a reference that could have been considered self-referential, the story of HAL, invented by Arthur C. Clarke, the computer controlling all aspects of a space mission, with a sophisticated AI interface that allowed the astronauts to use voice communications directly. HAL’s evenly moderated male voice became a metaphor for AI’s over-modulated simulation of human confidence and calmness, the implacability of the Lacanian “subject-supposed-to-know.” In keeping with psychoanalytical principles, the astronauts become hysterical when they discover that HAL had engineered the deaths of their colleagues in cryogenic hibernation for the long voyage.
ChatGPT and the Wish for Death: A Freudian Analysis of Uncanny in AI: In this article, Ghoochani explores the concepts of cartography and the relationship between AI and suicide, inspired by Don Kunze’s work and my own perspective. However, the genesis of this idea stems from a conversation I had with my Iranian friend, Roshanak Zarei, earlier today. Time is not linear.
The Imaginary I Every Word is Complex — a Complex Number: In this paper, Ghoochani explores the fractal nature of language through the lenses of dream-work and rhetoric. By analyzing the four components of dream-work and comparing them to classical rhetorical operations, he proposes a formula for language that incorporates the unknown and the absent. He and his conversant, ChatGPT, discuss the circular nature of time and narrative in dreams, as well as the role of omission in language. Their findings suggest that language is a complex and dynamic system that can be modeled through mathematical and rhetorical approaches, contributing to the understanding of the relationship between language, consciousness, and creativity.
Pierre Menard, Author of the Écrits, The tale of a young scholar at Munich University who was tasked with the challenge of replacing the terms “signifier” and “subject” in Lacan’s Écrits with the archaic terms “word” and “flesh” has been passed down through generations of academics. The young scholar was deeply inspired by Pierre Menard’s attempt to rewrite Don Quixote word-for-word and hoped that his own exercise would reveal new meanings and inspirations that were previously hidden within the text. It was a hot summer day, and the library was empty, but the scholar was motivated purely by his own curiosity and boredom.
Silent Trade and the “Persistence of the Void.” This co-authored essay is based on a conversation that took place on April 15, 2023, between interlocutors Don Kunze and OpenAI’s Chat utility, here re-named “James,” following Kunze’s use of that voice from ReVoicer. AI (James): “The practice of silent trade, also known as “dumb barter” or “dumb trading,” is believed to have been in existence for thousands of years. It was used by various cultures and societies as a way to trade goods without having to make contact or negotiations with strangers, thus avoiding potential conflicts or misunderstandings.” The 4,000+ word conversation ended: “By considering the relation between dreaming and the unconscious, and how the unary trait operates in the production of symptoms, we can potentially gain insights into the workings of the unconscious mind and how it influences conscious experience. However, it’s important to note that theories of the unconscious, including those of Lacan and Freud, are complex and subject to ongoing debate and discussion among scholars and practitioners in the field of psychology and psychoanalysis.”
From the Hero to HAL: Working from Lacan’s “loop diagram” describing the relation of the aim to the goal (Seminar XI, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis), the journey is related to the anamorphic trials of the hero willingly facing suffering. The rim becomes the katagraphic mark made by Romulus to found Rome and fill the furrow with the blood of Remus, the beginnings of divination procedures that, repeated, would renew the spiritual and military boundary of the city and constitute its only true region.
Işık Barış Fidaner. From “The neural differentiation of the rim of the drive“: “For Lacan, these rims delineate a field of ‘objectality’ that is distinct from the usual objectivity of modern science. But Lacan has a mythical and tragic notion of this distinct field: “Objectality is the correlate to a pathos of the cut” (Seminar 10). As if humans were whole at the beginning, and then they were pathetically castrated, when the God cut their four rims. What is thereby supposedly cut from the pathetic humans is presumably the mythical Lamella.” Fidaner, a mathematician, AI writer, and Lacanian/ Žižekian, writes about the role of the rim, making it possible to incorporate AM’s idea of the blur and adiabatics and DK/FC’s “new critical terms” (isonomics, cathesis, katagraph, etc.) alongside Lacan’s diagram presented in Seminar XI, The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis. Fidaner’s essay, published independently, is reprinted here without permission; the hope is that this appropriation will not be misunderstood! It is a token of our collective admiration. An additional benefit of Fidaner’s interest in the cut is his familiarity with the work of Leon Brenner on autism. This is not simply an analysis of an under-treated topic in Lacanian psychoanalysis, but a new theoretical domain. Read Brenner’s book, The Autistic Subject: On the Threshold of Language, to convince yourself of this claim.
ChatGPT and Kunze on the subject of Instrumental Convergence. My AI writing partner introduced me to the work of Nick Bostrum and I, in turn, brought in the work of Kurt Vonnegut (intentional political antagonism) and Giambattista Vico (self-evolving, autopoietic cultural convergence). The discussion productively concluded with Gaston Bachelard’s idea of the theorists need to be self-surveillant. In light of instrumental convergence, Bachelard’s cautions convert the in-itself of the objective world into a for-intself, chez Lacan.
The HAL Cartel
In the spirit of Lacan’s proposal that discussion groups, named cartels, should carry out theory projects, four participants, IG, AM, DK, and Francis Conrad (a collectivized identity) have extended the HAL question to reformulate a vocabulary involving anamorphosis and extimacy, topics that Mladen Dolar and Jacques-Alain Miller have claimed can cover the entire Lacanian-Freudian field. They have not left out the idea of AI, since in Lacan’s topological interests, the idea of a “displaced intelligence” is both necessary and critical.
IG’s List, with Francis Conrad’s Response. AM has introduced two important new critical topics: (1) adiabatics (the behavior of gas obliged to retain heat under varying conditions of pressure, (mistakenly) credited with the creation of the “rain shadow” on leeward sides of mountain ranges; and (2) the blur, the more foundational idea of equality, broadened to convert this mark of distinction, refuted by Hegel, into a thickened space of ambiguity: from | to || to |…|. This is a biography of the katagraphic cut, with its creation of a furrow that “adiabatically” draws forth the scopic ghost as the fluid of (a) blood or (b) ectoplasm. The rim functions as a term common both to psychoanalysis and ethnology, since it is the same katagraphic cut as made by Romulus to divide his identity (|>||) to provide a space of divination (|…|) where “…” is filled by metonymical signifying chains converted into vera narration (Vico).
The Duras-Jensen Question. This is an actual conversation that has been fictionalized to include critical terminology involved in an active dialog about Norbert Weiner’s conjecture that all “computing systems” (machine and human included) design their own destruction. This is Vico’s thesis as well, not to be placed “on the side of the human subject” but rather evidence that Vico was the inventor of the idea of Artificial Intelligence, and that his theory of ricorso was a theoretical space for conversations like this one. Within that space, special terms are required, and the HAL project is the occasion for their elaboration and definition. [This essay is voiced as an email to IG, AM, and DK from Francis Conrad.]
Acoustics/Acousmatics. The invocatory is the fourth of Lacan’s four “partial drives,” and as a speech function it focuses on questions of how sound and hearing are involved in the creation of subjectivity. The importance of cuts or silences is evident in the use of AI voices, where pauses are critical to the perception of AI’s intelligibility, its ability to play the role of a human interlocutor. In the paradigm case of Dracula — “I do not drink … blood” — the pause is critical, and Lacan addresses this in Seminar VIII (Transference) when he describes Pausanius’s “pause” during the Symposium’s discussion of love. This discussion is put on hold awaiting the contributions of a potential fifth participant, TH, an early exponent of the claim that Vico and Lacan are the same person.
PROPOSED: Zoom Symposium with ChatAI
A zoom symposium is proposed, inviting those who have experimented with ChatGPT’s conversant capabilities to present a report on outcomes, with the following aims:
- The conversation must have tried to push the limits of a request, by involving a fiction, supposition, hypothesis, or paradigm that, though untrue and therefore unverifiable, would sustain a meaningful dialog.
- The conversation must have gone beyond mere information gathering to the point of “self-reflection paradoxes,” such as encountered in the film Blade Runner, where “replicants” were unable to determine their status as robots, and where actual humans, aware of the unknowability of this status, themselves came to doubt their own humanity.
- Each experiment must involve speculation based on conclusions drawn from the experiment. ChatGPT will be considered as a co-author of each project, in that Norbert Weiner’s insight, that it is the very nature of IT to embed its own destruction in the form of increasing complexity, the issue of self-destruction is unavoidable. Experiments are fundamentally conversations with a suicidal mentality, articulated as a human voice.
Click here to read the complete proposal.